Youth Strings
Stephanie Ezerman, Conductor

Youth Strings is a string orchestra for students who play at the level of Suzuki Books 2 and 3. Students will focus on technical, musical and ensemble skills in an environment with students of similar age and level. Repertoire includes educational arrangements and other works that will both challenge and motivate continued musical growth. Tuition is $200 per year, and scholarships are available in cases of financial need.

Prospective Youth Strings members:
– should be able to play in a section, including staying together with others and following a conductor.
– produce characteristic tone quality on their instrument.
– read and play music in keys up to three sharps or one flat.

Audition Requirements

Youth Strings auditions consist of three parts: scale requirement, solo requirement, and sightreading.
Updated 5/23/2023 for Fall 2023 auditions

Scale Requirement: Two 2-octave scales of your choice, one major and one melodic minor, with arpeggios. Perform scales as eighth notes at quarter note = 60 or faster.

Solo Requirement: A short piece of your choice. Violinists who wish to be considered for Violin I should prepare a piece at the level of Suzuki Book 3 or above. All others should prepare a piece at the level of Suzuki Book 2 or above.

Sightreading Requirement: Please prepare for a short sightreading segment.